Task Expanding urban-format advertising spaces for the Kalita Advertising Agency.

RA Kalita

To prevent free spaces from appearing dull and instead capture attention, prompting advertisers to quickly utilize them, we have created a series of designs for the Kalita advertising agency. A vibrant corporate color paired with a cheerful smiley face is sure to draw eyes to this advertisement.


The main slogan of this campaign is 'Advertising with a Face.' This slogan is a play on words and captures the essence of the outdoor advertising agency's offerings.


To bring this concept to life, several variations of the smile were designed. These will be displayed on the agency’s available spaces across various parts of the city.

The core concept of the campaign is to humanize the advertising structures. Consequently, the traditional urban format has been transformed into a vibrant figure with multiple faces, capturing attention and adding brightness and beauty to the cityscape.

