Task The new restaurant "Adjikinezhal" was successfully dispersed


The case when you can't help but love your job! 4 months of delicious food, tart wine and excellent results. The new restaurant "Adjikinezhal" was successfully dispersed with the help of targeted advertising and competent management of social networks.


We constantly updated the restaurant's social media pages with new photos of dishes, interesting stories about culinary traditions, and current events. And they maintained active interaction with subscribers, answering questions, thanking for feedback and welcoming new customers.


We regularly analyzed the data and results of advertising campaigns, making adjustments to our strategy based on the knowledge gained. This allowed us to improve the effectiveness of our advertising efforts and maximize the use of the budget.


We have determined which groups of people may be most interested in visiting the restaurant, taking into account their age, gender, interests, location and other characteristics. We have developed creative and mouth-watering promotional materials, including photos of dishes, videos about cooking, as well as current offers and discounts. Instagram Facebook and other effective advertising platforms have been chosen to reach the target audience.

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