Company website Task Development of an Online Store for Selling High-Tech Equipment.


MyForti is a new brand specializing in the sale and integration of cybersecurity equipment from Fortnet. Our task was to create a portal capable of competing with existing online stores in the market. To realize the owners' vision, we needed to develop a website that was more convenient, technologically advanced, and aesthetically pleasing than those of our competitors.

When developing the online store interface for, we adhered to the principle of creating the most understandable and user-friendly design. This means that every user should be able to intuitively find the products they need and complete a purchase. To achieve this, we organized graphic elements systematically and created visual anchors to help users navigate the web page effortlessly.

Мобильная версия интернет-магазин Myforti

As with all our projects, we pay special attention to the design of the mobile version of the site. Our goal is to create an environment that is easy to use, even on small smartphone or tablet screens. The site adapts seamlessly to any screen resolution, maintaining full functionality and navigational ease.
