Julia Shamova

Julia Shamova


Behave yourself. How to sell yourself with an account

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Let's talk about how to properly maintain your own account on social networks. The purpose of its management is different: someone needs to sell something, someone wants to communicate with friends and show them their life, others share useful tips, others just want to use the social network as a photo album in memory of travel and significant events for him. But, as you guessed, my recommendations are for those who want to promote themselves and their services on Instagram. This, of course, is about personal accounts and blogs, since companies need commercial accounts.

Error #1. Separation of personal and work account

The most common mistake. My advice: don't do this. It is necessary that people accept you as you are, and you find exactly your audience. This is necessary so that people do not have any dissonance.

It often happens that strict photos are posted in work accounts in a suit, with a businesslike expression, creating mostly purely advertising posts, and from the personal account of the same user it becomes clear that this is a cheerful person who likes to dance, travel and even sometimes fool around. I believe that, firstly, it is inconvenient to keep two accounts and constantly switch between them, and secondly, that when selling yourself, you need to sell yourself as a person – in a multifaceted, voluminous way. It is important that your current or potential client knows you from different sides, in different guises, so that he clearly understands who he is dealing with.

Error #2. Depersonalization of the account

To understand what I mean, I will give a simple example. Let's say you are looking for a good cosmetologist. And then someone is recommended to you or you fall for advertising. To find out more about his works, services, prices, and who she is in general, ask for a link to her Instagram. And as soon as you log in to your account... you understand that what you came for is not there in sight. There are no photos of the results of her work, nor of herself: only pictures from photo stocks and sheets of texts about what you can already read in Wikipedia or on any thematic site. In other words, there is no benefit from such an account, while it would be very useful to see how the cosmetologist herself looks, what she does to maintain her beauty, how she looks after herself, what she eats, where she rests. For many, this is important, because trust in a specialist of such a plan begins precisely with the fact that we see how he himself applies his knowledge in practice.

Therefore, my advice is this: google less and download pictures and generate more of your own, individual content, including about yourself. If you teach yoga, record a video of how you take the Warrior pose or the Pigeon pose, show what landscapes you admire in the morning, tell us what you have for lunch and what kind of music you listen to. They want to see both a professional coach and an individual personality in you. And if you share some hackneyed quotes, magazine clippings or well-known facts, it is perceived as free and useless information in the feed and does not link with you in any way.

Error #3. Cheating subscribers

Yes, of course, you can buy any number of subscribers on Instagram now, but this does not lead to sales and is essentially unnecessary junk that you are wasting money on. In addition, everyone has long known about such cheating, and they are always easy to identify: even by the ratio of likes and comments with the number of fake followers. My advice: take care of your real subscribers – those who are really interested in you. Let you have few followers, but it will be your fans who turn only to you. Keep up a conversation with them, tell them more about yourself, about your work – and you'll see, new subscriptions will not keep you waiting.